Sunday, November 30, 2008
Almost Famous
So, I went home for Thanksgiving this last week. While I was at home, I had occasion to look through my high school yearbooks (I had a good reason for pulling them out and looking at them, but the reason is not important to the post). Of course, as I flipped through the pages, I looked at a lot of the signatures and notes people had written in the on yearbook signing day (I won't tell you how many signatures were there, just know there were enough to pretty much fill the front and back cover, but not so much that it would take me more than an hour to read them all). As I read the things people had wrote, I thought it was funny that so many people told me I would be famous someday. The justification seemed to be that I was smart, so I would be famous someday. I don't know who came up with that idea, but I am pretty sure that intelligence doesn't equate to fame. So, I hate to burst the bubble of all those people from high school, but I will probably never fulfill their desire for me to get in touch with them when I am famous. I don't think any fame is in the future for me, and I am perfectly fine with that.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Love Machine, Part 2
Well, for some reason it is an annual traditions in Singles Wards everywhere to have some form of talent show. Our ward this year decided to pair it with Thanksgiving dinner. Last year, our ward did a similar thing a little bit earlier in the earlier in the semester and with a chili cook off instead of turkey. So, last year we took a song we recorded on Lamar's computer freshman year and made a live version of it (I am sure all of you have seen it by now, but if not go here). That turned out well, so when it was announced that there was a talent show for our ward this year, we decided to do it again. The only problem was that several of our performers were gone, so Pilgram had to learn how to play the bass, and we couldn't find a drum set, so Lamar's computer had to fill in for a drummer. So it wasn't as good, but it went okay (I will try and post a video of the performance sometime). We didn't win the talent show, but the prize was a pass to a rock climbing gym, so we weren't too disappointed. We did gain some more fans, which was the ultimate goal anyway. We think after this that live performance of Love Machine have been put to rest.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Life Off, Game On.

I know what you are thinking...what in the world, he doesn't post for two weeks, and then all the sudden he posts four days later. Well, suffice it to say, my week this week has been a little more interesting than the previous few. And (a little teaser here), it should continue to be interesting, at least through tomorrow night. So, my Dad came into town this last week for a training for work. He was staying in Sandy, and when he first told me he was coming down, he suggested we could catch a Jazz or BYU basketball game. Since there was no BYU game last night, it had to be the Jazz game. I had only been to one professional sporting event previously, an Angels game. And I was so young when we went to that that up until I talked to my brother on Tuesday, I didn't think I had ever been to a professional sporting event. So, it was fun for me to go and witness a Jazz game in person. We were in the upper bowl, about 18 rows up, but we could see pretty well from our seats. I learned something from the game though...I am not really a Jazz fan. I like it when they win, but there was a time yesterday when they were down by 10 points and I didn't really care all that much. It is interesting because I am such a huge BYU fan that I hate whenever they are behind in football and basketball because I can't stand to see them lose. I pretty much hang on every shot or every play. My roommates will attest that I can get pretty angry when the BYU football team makes a dumb play. So it was interesting last night to just be able to watch a game and not be too terribly concerned about the outcome.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
You always get lucky in West Wendover
So, starting a blog has made me realize something. Each day for the past couple of weeks, I have looked at my blog and thought "I really should post something, I haven't posted in a week (or whatever length of time it had been)". But I really had nothing to write about. Most of my weeks are fairly uneventful, and I pretty much do the same thing each day of the week. A friend suggested that I take the mundane things and make them sound interesting, but I am not blessed with that creative gift like he is. So, I went two weeks without posting. Finally, this weekend I broke form and did something out of the ordinary. Saturday morning, I got up bright and early to head out to Pilot Valley to do some field work for a Professor. I spent all day on a playa (a dry lake bed) helping to drill a couple wells and put some instruments in them. It was a long day, but afterward we went to a buffet in a casino in West Wendover. Later, after I came home, I was watching television with my roommates and we saw a commercial for West Wendover touting "You always get lucky in West Wendover". I guess since I got a buffet dinner for a few hours of work, I got a little lucky in West Wendover myself. Hopefully I can have a little more excitement this week.
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