The Maze we got lost in at Cornbelly's
It was obvious as we started the first "phase" that the wind had blown over some of the corn, and lots of people had made paths in the corn that weren't actually paths. This led to us going back and forth between the two "phases" as we followed paths that weren't really paths. We did make it out of the first phase, thankfully, so I am not sure how many of these wrong paths we took, since we got to the right exit. When we decided to go into the second "phase" of the maze, we decided to get this piece of paper that was supposed to give you hints on the right direction to go. This was accomplished by having numbered boxes throughout the maze that corresponded to numbers on the paper that had multiple choice questions (ours were about TV/movies). A correct answer supposedly gave you the right direction to go. We ran into a few problems with this, however. The first box we ran into was in the first phase by number, so this is when I figured out we had been taking false paths. The second box we ran into was in the second phase, but it lied to us. After answering the question correctly and taking the path it told us to we went in a circle that brought us back to the box. We repeated this action 3 times just to be sure. After having poor results with another box, we finally just took whatever path led us back toward the entrance and found an "emergency exit" to get out of the maze.
We had lots of fun after that jumping on their giant air pillow and riding their pedal go carts. I think we maybe should have skipped the second "phase" and just gone straight to the other stuff.
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